
Our experts


TransBIOTech's most valuable asset is its team. A collaborative group that excels through its diversity, motivation and talent. Committed to excellence, our team is dedicated to making a significant impact for biotech companies. Our pride is your guarantee of success!

The Researchers

Carole-Ann Huppé
See bio

Carole-Ann Huppé

Researcher - pharmacology

Catherine Gravel
See bio

Catherine Gravel

Research Chemist

Frédéric Couture
See bio

Frédéric Couture

Researcher - pharmacology, Preclinical Research Manager

Marie-Eve Janelle
See bio

Marie-Eve Janelle

Research Professor - Biology

Mylène Brochu
See bio

Mylène Brochu

Researcher in analytical chemistry & bioanalytical chemistry

Sarah Paris-Robidas
See bio

Sarah Paris-Robidas

Researcher - pharmacology - preclinical research

Yvan Boutin
See bio

Yvan Boutin

Research Professor - Biology

The technicians

See bio

Charles-Antoine Fournier

Laboratory technician - biotechnology

See bio

Gabrielle St-Pierre

Animal Health Technician

See bio

Isabelle Bolduc

Animal Health Technician

See bio

Jean-Philippe Champagne

Laboratory technician - analytical chemistry

See bio

Julia Galimi

Animal Health Technician

See bio

Julie de Grandmont

Laboratory technician - analytical chemistry, certificate in biotechnology

See bio

Justine Legros

Laboratory technician - analytical chemistry

See bio

Maryka Martel

Animal Health Technician

See bio

Philippe Lemieux

Laboratory technician - biotechnology

See bio

Samuel Des Becquets

Animal Health Technician

See bio

Sara Carignan

Animal Health Technician

See bio

Vanessa Lapointe

Laboratory technician - biotechnology

Administrative team

See bio

Delphine Davan

Director of Partnerships and Business Development

See bio

François Drouin

See bio

Myriam Roy

Administrative Assistant

See bio

Suzanne Leclerc, CPA

Director of Finance and Administration


See bio

Alain Thibodeau


Scientific Director - Boreaceutical

See bio

Daniel Bergeron


Professor - Cégep de Lévis

See bio

Guy Patterson


Director General - Cégep de Lévis

See bio

Patrice Alibert

Vice-Chairman of the Board

President, General Manager - Oxynov

See bio

Renée Michaud

Chairman of the Board

Executive Director - Institute on Nutrition and Functional Foods (INAF), Laval University

See bio

Samuel Bureau


Account Manager - Desjardins

See bio

Stéphanie Quirion


Lawyer - KSA Avocats+Notaires

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