
Quality DATA



  • Chemical and biological stability studies in stability chambers
  • In vitro permeability testing of your compound using reconstituted tissue models (skin, intestine, mucosa, others)
  • In vitro cytotoxicity assays using various approaches (AlamarBlue, LDH, ATP, membrane integrity measurement)
  • Toxicity in rodents following single or repeated administration by various routes (intravenous tail vein, intravenous in canulated rodents, intranasal, subcutaneous, oral, intraperitoneal, intramuscular)
  • Observations of clinical signs
  • Analysis of hematological and biochemical blood profiles
  • Gross necropsy
  • Histological analysis
  • Biodistribution study using fluorescent compounds
  • In vivo and ex vivoimaging (IVIS spectrum imaging system)
  • Immunofluorescence on slide and quantitative measurements with CellQuant software (3DHISTECH)
  • Pharmacokinetics in rodents following administration by various routes (intravenous, intranasal, subcutaneous, oral, intraperitoneal, intramuscular)
  • Small molecule analysis by LC-MS/MS or GC-MS/MS
  • Calculation of pharmacokinetic parameters
  • Development of customized tests or models for your specific needs
Quality DATA
Attention to the details

Is your therapeutics effective and safe?


TransBIOTech performs your in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo assays to evaluate the biological properties of your compounds and formulations. We develop bespoke models to meet your specific needs.


Technology Adaptation Services Tax Credit (Code 35)

Eligible expenditures are expenditures made under a contract with an eligible CCTT or an eligible CLT to obtain an eligible liaison and transfer service

They correspond to the total of the following amounts

  • 80% of the fees for an eligible liaison and transfer service provided in Quebec by the eligible CCTT or the eligible CLT, as the case may be
  • fees for participation in training and information activities in Quebec related to an eligible liaison and transfer service offered by the eligible CCTT or the eligible CLT, as the case may be

Only fees for participation in supplementary training activities offered on an ad hoc basis, other than as part of a regular training program, may be considered as fees for participation in covered training activities

Note that an expense is not eligible for the tax credit for technological adaptation services if it is eligible for one of the following tax credits for scientific research and experimental development (R&D)

  • the R&D payroll tax credit
  • the tax credit for university research or research carried out by a public research center or by a research consortium
  • the tax credit for pre-competitive research in private partnership

FRQ - Nature & Technology FRQNT

Building a sustainable future is what motivates our talents in fields as diverse as artificial intelligence, clean technologies and climate change. At the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT), we offer them financial support while ensuring the strategic and coherent development of research in the mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sector.

Research and Transfer Assistance Program-PART

The Research and Transfer Assistance Program (RTAP) develops the human and technological resources of colleges and college technology transfer centers (CCTTs) in order to stimulate technological and social innovation in Quebec. It has two components

  • the Social Innovation component
  • the Technological Innovation component
Technology Innovation application deadline - September 22, 2022, 4:00 p.m.

It should be noted that PART-IT projects submitted during the call for projects ending September 22, 2022 may begin between January 2023 and August 2023

Social Innovation application deadline - October 6, 2022, 4:00 pm


Technology Innovation Component - Grant Guide 2022-2023 (PDF 703 KB)

Applied Research and Development (ARD)

Applied Research and Development (ARD) grants support projects conducted by college researchers in partnership with Canadian-based private, public or not-for-profit sector organizations, while encouraging collaboration with universities or other colleges. This funding opportunity establishes and strengthens research linkages and collaborations between different institutions or partners that share a common goal of creating economic, social or environmental benefits, while contributing to the research ecosystem continuum. The project is led by an eligible Canadian college, but the broad range of expertise expected from one or more institutions, depending on need and available resources, may be dictated or defined by the research objectives of the partners

Funded projects
  • provide partner organizations with access to the specific knowledge, expertise and capacity available at Canadian universities and colleges
  • train students in the essential technical skills required by private, public and not-for-profit sector organizations
  • Provide benefits - economic, environmental, health or social - to partner organizations and to Canada
  • allow a wide range of collaborations between different institutions or types of partners

Support for innovation projects - MEIE

Eligible projects are product or process innovations from the planning stage to the pre-commercialization stage (technology showcase)

Innovation projects must meet all of the following criteria

the project must

  • concern the development of a new product or process or the significant improvement of an existing product or process
  • Demonstrate the necessary degree of innovation, i.e. the product or process must have a decisive advantage over existing solutions on the market and in the targeted sector of activity, on a national or international scale
  • involve technological and/or business risk or uncertainty for the company
  • have required (or will require) research and development efforts
  • when the product or process is intended for sale, the project must demonstrate commercial potential
Eligible projects may be carried out by
  • one company
  • a business combination
  • a company or group of companies, in collaboration with one or more public research centers in Quebec. A project is considered collaborative when a group of non-affiliated companies shares the costs, benefits and intellectual property of the innovation project, with or without the collaboration of one or more public research centers in Quebec

Financial support for technological innovation - NRC-IRAP

  • If you are a Canadian small or medium-sized enterprise developing technological innovations, you may be eligible for financial assistance from NRC-IRAP. We provide this funding to eligible companies through our technology innovation projects and strategic youth employment programs
  • NRC-IRAP funds research and development (R&D) projects at various stages of the innovation cycle. In 2018-2019, it has been mandated to expand its support to include an increase in the funding threshold to $10 million for larger R&D projects. This enhanced financial support will make it easier for small and medium-sized Canadian companies to access the help they need to grow their businesses and expand
  • As an extension of traditional NRC-IRAP support, the additional funding for larger R&D projects is intended for firms that have demonstrated their ability to grow rapidly and significantly. These firms will be selected by NRC-IRAP with the objective of helping recipients of this increased funding threshold to achieve transformative growth within 5 years of project completion, thereby making a significant contribution to Canada's economy

Contact NRC-IRAP at. 1-877-994-4727 to find out if your company is eligible for NRC-IRAP support

Interactive visit - IRAP

  • The Interactive Visits are targeted interventions of short duration that can take several forms (investigation of the problem, literature review, proposal of a solution, advice). The duration of the interventions does not allow any prototyping or development of new concepts, but can serve as a first step towards the realization of an R&D project with TransBIOTech or another organization.
  • The Interactive Tours are a low-cost science and technology coaching program for SMEs and start-ups, in collaboration with the National Research Council of Canada's (NRC) Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)
  • Once your project is accepted, you must pay a $250 fee to TransBIOTech to activate your file. Then, the costs of the interactive visit are supported at 100% by NRC-IRAP


Your R&D projects require distinctive expertise that cannot be improvised. TransBIOTech provides you with complete and proven know-how with +150 projects per year, with +50 clients and partners.


Your TEAM in


Sara Carignan
See bio

Sara Carignan

Animal Health Technician

Gabrielle St-Pierre
See bio

Gabrielle St-Pierre

Animal Health Technician

Sarah Paris-Robidas
See bio

Sarah Paris-Robidas

Researcher - pharmacology - preclinical research

Julia Galimi
See bio

Julia Galimi

Animal Health Technician

Frédéric Couture
See bio

Frédéric Couture

Researcher - pharmacology, Preclinical Research Manager

Carole-Ann Huppé
See bio

Carole-Ann Huppé

Researcher - pharmacology

Marie-Eve Janelle
See bio

Marie-Eve Janelle

Research Professor - Biology

Maryka Martel
See bio

Maryka Martel

Animal Health Technician

Isabelle Bolduc
See bio

Isabelle Bolduc

Animal Health Technician