- Chemical and biological stability studies in stability chambers
- In vitro permeability testing of your compound using reconstituted tissue models (skin, intestine, mucosa, others)
- In vitro cytotoxicity assays using various approaches (AlamarBlue, LDH, ATP, membrane integrity measurement)
- Toxicity in rodents following single or repeated administration by various routes (intravenous tail vein, intravenous in canulated rodents, intranasal, subcutaneous, oral, intraperitoneal, intramuscular)
- Observations of clinical signs
- Analysis of hematological and biochemical blood profiles
- Gross necropsy
- Histological analysis
- Biodistribution study using fluorescent compounds
- In vivo and ex vivoimaging (IVIS spectrum imaging system)
- Immunofluorescence on slide and quantitative measurements with CellQuant software (3DHISTECH)
- Pharmacokinetics in rodents following administration by various routes (intravenous, intranasal, subcutaneous, oral, intraperitoneal, intramuscular)
- Small molecule analysis by LC-MS/MS or GC-MS/MS
- Calculation of pharmacokinetic parameters
- Development of customized tests or models for your specific needs

Attention to the details
Is your therapeutics effective and safe?
TransBIOTech performs your in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo assays to evaluate the biological properties of your compounds and formulations. We develop bespoke models to meet your specific needs.
Your R&D projects require distinctive expertise that cannot be improvised. TransBIOTech provides you with complete and proven know-how with +150 projects per year, with +50 clients and partners.