- Tests performed on cell lines, primary cultured cells (keratinocytes, fibroblasts), spheroids (kidney and lung) and reconstituted human tissues
- Cytotoxicity tests using various methods (AlamarBlue, LDH, ATP, membrane integrity measurements)
- Real-time cytotoxicity measurement (IncuCyte®)
- Measurement of apoptosis (IncuCyte® and flow cytometry)
- Tests to assess the irritant (according to OECD TG 439) or corrosive (according to OECD TG 431) properties of a compound on reconstituted skin models.
- Permeability tests on reconstituted tissue models (skin, intestine)
- Measurement of gene expression by real-time PCR, protein expression (ELISA, WB, IF) in cells following exposure to compounds
- Transient or stable transformation of cell lines (liposomes and viral vectors)
- Customized test development for your specific needs

Several laminar flow hoods
Unique combination of expertise & state-of-the-art equipment
TransBIOTech performs the functional cell assays required to determine the health status of cells exposed to your compounds (survival, mortality, metabolic activity) and to quantify biomarkers of interest.
Your R&D projects require distinctive expertise that cannot be improvised. TransBIOTech provides you with complete and proven know-how with +150 projects per year, with +50 clients and partners.